
Non-funding, non-event announcements.

NOAA Coastal Management Fellowship Program 2014

Program:  NOAA and the Mississippi/Alabama Sea Grant Consortium invite post-masters students from diverse disciplines who are interested in state-level coastal issues to apply for 2-year paid fellowships. Selected finalists will be placed with state coastal resource agencies in Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Florida, New Jersey, or Puerto Rico, where they will work on projects related to coastal management.

New NSF Grant Proposal Guide-Effective February 24, 2014

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has released the new Grant Proposal Guide (GPG), NSF 14-1, which is in effect  for grant proposals submitted on or after February 24, 2014.  The complete guide is located at:

Chemistry without Chemicals: 10/31 Talk

What Do Chemistry, Video Games, Supercomputers, and the Nobel Prize Have in Common?

Mandatory PI Training

The University Research Board has approved Mandatory Grant Management Education and Training for all UM faculty and staff who serve as Principal Investigators (PIs) and Co-PIs on sponsored grants and contracts.  The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs is preparing training modules to be offered as Blackboard courses to all current PIs and Co-PIs.

Input solicited to MS Highway and Transportation Task Force

MS Senate Resolution No. 7 created a Highway and Transportation Task Force to "study revenue and expenditures necessary to develop and maintain an adequeate highway transportation system in Mississippi". If you have input, comments, or thoughts that you would like to share with the task force, please share them with IHL's representative to the task force, Dr.

Reminder: New Project Reporting Service on for NSF Awards

NSF Awardees,                                                                                                  &

ORSP Lunch and Learn: Research Collaboration Opportunities in Defense Intelligence

Speakers:      Carl Jensen, Director of CISS
                       Melissa Graves, Associate Director of CISS

Date/Time:    Tuesday, July 30, 
                        12:00 noon to 2:00 PM

New Graduate Tuition Rate for Proposal Budgets

Effective immediately the new rate for graduate student tuition on sponsored project proposals is $3,330 per full-time (9 hours) student per semester.

These rates are posted on the Current Rates and Codes page of the ORSP website.


(updated 7/3/2013)


U.S. Academic Institution Profiles Report - 4/17/2013

The National Science Foundation (NSF)  has released data from 2011 for the Academic Institution Profiles report. The report  provides selected data for individual U.S. academic institutions, such as the number of earned doctorates, number of full-time graduate students, total federal obligations, and total R&D expenditures. Information for Academic Institution Profiles is compiled from four surveys from the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics. Data are available in Excel format or through the WebCASPAR data tool at:
