NSF Research Traineeship Program (NRT) 2014

The NSF Research Traineeship (NRT) program is designed to encourage the development of bold, new, potentially transformative, and scalable models for STEM graduate training that ensure that graduate students develop the skills, knowledge, and competencies needed to pursue a range of STEM careers. NRT projects should develop evidence-based, sustainable approaches and practices that substantially improve STEM graduate education for NRT trainees and for STEM graduate students broadly at an institution. NRT emphasizes the development of competencies for both research and research-related careers. Strategic collaborations with all sectors are encouraged.

Full Program Solicitation: NSF 14-548: http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2014/nsf14548/nsf14548.htm

NSF NRT Webinars:

  • Tuesday, April 29, 1pm - 2pm CST
  • Wednesday, April 30, 1pm - 2pm CST

NRT Goals:

  • Catalyze/advance interdisciplinary research in national high priority areas
  • Prepare STEM graduate students for successful careers within or outside academe
  • Develop models to promote transformational improvements in graduate education

Training activities must be completed by all NRT Trainees, and be made available to all STEM graduate students. Ex. courses, workshops, projects, internships, etc. to develop:

  • broad technical skills (techniques, languages, cultures of fields within the theme)
  • transferrable professional skills
  • mentoring from diverse internal and external mentors from different sectors

Questions to be addressed in (before) any UM proposal:

  1. What interdisciplinary theme; what high-national-priority disciplines does it cross?
  2. What skills and knowledge will we instill in our graduates?
  3. What transformative and scalable training model(s) will we develop and test?
  4. What will be the criteria for selecting NRT trainees?
  5. Within the theme and model, what activities will be implement and required of the Trainees; how to make these activities available to other STEM graduate students.
  6. What evidence-based strategies to broaden participation of students from diverse backgrounds (including women, African Americans, persons with disabilities, etc.)
  7. How will we assess outcomes, and disseminate successful models nationally

NRT Trainees: full-time graduate students (masters or PhD) in related STEM fields; 12 months continual stipend support over an annual period; $32,000 stipend plus cost-of-education allowance

NSF Review Criteria: Intellectual merit; Broader impacts; Integration of research and education; Inter-disciplinarity; Integrating Diversity (broadening participation); Evaluation; Sustainability; Model Dissemination

Anticipated Funding: 8 to 10 new awards, up to $3M each in TOTAL costs, divided over five-year project period (~$600K/year).

Limitation Submission: UM Call for Pre-proposals or Capabilities/Interest Statements

ORSP is soliciting pre-proposals within the theme of data-enabled science and engineering (DESE). Those interested in either leading a DESE-themed proposal, or contributing capabilities or ideas to any DESE-themed proposals led by others, should notify Jason Hale according to the schedule below.

April 25, 2014        DESE pre-proposals due to ORSP
April 25, 2015        DESE interest/capability statements due to ORSP
May 2, 2014           ORSP will announce which DESE pre-proposal(s) to develop/advance
May 20, 2014         Optional Letter of Intent due
June 3, 2014          Early draft of full DERE proposal narrative due to ORSP for enhanced review.
June 17, 2014        Mature drafts of all required DERE proposal docs due to ORSP.
June 24, 2014        Proposals due to NSF, 5PM local time

Pre-proposals should be 4 pages max, single-spaced, Arial font, 11 point, consisting of:

  • Page 1: NSF-style summary page (overview, intellectual merit, broader impacts):
  • Pages 1-3: Seven numbered sections, answering the 7 above  “Questions to Be Addressed”

Interest/Capability Statements by those wishing to be considered for inclusion on a DERE-themed proposal, but not wishing to lead such a proposal, should be limited to one or two pages, and should include:

  • Research Capabilities
  • Instructional/Educational Capabilities (including existing courses)
  • Outreach Capabilities
  • Other Relevant Information or Ideas