NLM Express Research Grants in Biomedical Informatics (R01)

Program:  The National Library of Medicine (NLM) offers support for innovative research in biomedical informatics. The scope of NLM's interest in the research domain of informatics is interdisciplinary, encompassing informatics problem areas in the application domains of health care, public health, basic biomedical research, bioinformatics, biological modeling, translational research and health information management in disasters. NLM defines biomedical informatics as the science of optimal organization, management, presentation and utilization of information relevant to human health and biology. Informatics research produces concepts, tools and approaches that advance what is known in the field and have the capacity to improve human health.  

Deadlines:  October 5, 2013, February 5, 2014 and June 5, 2014.

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Area of Interest: